You can make donations to StART for whatever amount you would like, every penny counts towards providing additional life-saving equipment and so saving lives of your friends and family; it may be even yours in the future! If you would like to make a donation you can send a cheque or postal order to:-

 Storrington Area Responder Team

c/o 37 Dean Way, Storrington, RH20 4QN


Alternatively you can make a donation right now through Paypal. If you haven't done it before it's very simple and secure for credit card payments.  Click below to proceed.



If you would like us to claim Gift Aid for your donation please click on the link below to obtain our Gift Aid form. This needs to be printed, filled in and sent to the address above either with your cheque or after you have made your donation through PayPal.

GiftAid It!

 In case of difficulty or enquiries our Treasurer can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Major donations have gratefully been received from the following:


Major donors (£2000 and over):

Mallards Estate Agents
Storrington and Sullington Parish Council
Storrington Area Help Scheme
Tesla Engineering Ltd
The Community Church, Storrington
Trinity Methodist Church, Storrington

Other donations (£200 and over):

Alliance Pharmacy - E Moss Ltd
Chanctonbury Lions Club
Mrs C.M. Gray
Hooper and Coates Charity
Paula Rosa - Kingfisher Wood Products Ltd
Rotary Club of Storrington
Saxon Weald Homes Ltd
Storrington and District Round Table
Thakeham Tiles Ltd
The Anchor Public House
Washington Parish Council
Yellowpatter Sheet Metal Products - Sisterlark Ltd